Saturday, October 31, 2020

Surface Duo Apply Custom Skin Wrap Installation


If you picked up the Microsoft Surface Duo and want to protect your device? Why not wrap it in a custom skin that you can create on your own from Mightskins! This will give your Surface Duo that extra touch and at the same time, you can display your favorite pictures on your Microsoft Surface Duo! The skin wraps are easy to install and won't leave any film if you decide to remove it and install another skin wrap. I did run into an issue, one of the pictures I uploaded turned out a very orange tint color. Hopefully, this was just a rare issue, will be contacting Mightyskins and see what they have to say about this. Overall, the detail of the print is excellent, and do highly recommend anyone that wants a custom skin or just want to order one of the already available skins at Mightskins website to go get one for their Microsoft Surface Duo! Website: Microsoft Surface Duo:

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