Friday, December 25, 2020

Great Headphones - The Montblanc MB 01 Grey Color


The Montblanc MB 01 wireless headphones are one of the best that I have tested. The APX over Bluetooth keeps the Hi-Res audio sounding excellent! The sound is amazing, has ANC so that you can tune out the noise around you and be able to listen to your favorite music and enjoy it in Hi-Res with a compatible Hi-Res music player. Even if you don't use Hi-Res music, the sound is still amazing over a Bluetooth connection. Battery life using the Montblanc MB 01 is also great, I get around 18 to 20 hours. I can use them over several days and then charge them up, the best thing is that you can charge them using any type C charger. So, charging on the go without the worries of carrying around a special charger is great! Just use your phone charger in the car while traveling, or a home phone charger as well. These are great headphones, especially for the first generation from Montblanc. They are very comfortable to wear and not heavy so you can listen to music for longer periods of time without worrying that they become uncomfortable. The easy access to the hardware buttons is great! I like that they are also very stylish and look good. Also in using them for phone calls, they are much better than the Bose 700, Sennheiser, and the Sony headphones. The Montblanc MB 01 cancels more of the background noise, yes, if you are in a very noisy environment, then the noise will be heard on the other side of your conversation. But overall they did a great job better than all I had used and tested. I also use the Montblanc MB 01 for editing my videos...

Link to Montblanc MB 01 Wireless Headphones:


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