I have been testing out the AT&T HTC One X for the past few days and so far it has been a great experience. One of the main reasons I wanted to give the HTC One X a try is the camera. I could see that the HTC One X has the potential of replacing a point and shoot camera when HTC announced the specification for HTC One X. The feature I really wanted to test out was the video recording feature, that not only allows you to record HD video but the ability to snap pictures while recording a video, this will capture photos in 5MP quality. Still not bad for having the ability to snap pictures while recording.
After a short time of testing this feature, this alone will and can replace my point and shoot camera.
Another great feature that HTC included in the One X is the ability to snap 20+ pictures by just placing your finger on the virtual shutter button on the screen. You will never miss a shot with this feature on the HTC One X. It may not be your DSLR, but it will feel like one, when you are capturing all those shots that you would have normally missed with other camera phones. Now when your out and need to capture a action shot, well no problem with your One X.
What makes it possible to get shots like on your digital shoot and point camera is,HTC ImageSense. HTC ImageSense turns the One X into a great digital camera. Low light pictures will not be a problem, or with no backlight as well. The One X will be able to capture those shots (still testing to compare with my G’Note) with good results. All this is possible with the F2.0 aperture lens that allows more light and with HTC BSI sensor that helps boost the available light for those stunning pictures in low light. But if you need to use flash on your subjects, the One X has you covered. The One X has HTC Smart Flash that automactically sense the distance of your subjects and adjust the flash level. Now your close ups of your subjects wont be overly bright pictures from the flash. Nice feature! All this with HDR capturing. If you choose HDR from the menu, the One X will snap three quick shots and will create a stunning shot for you.
Remember you will always be ready to take pictures with the One X, thanks to the extended depth of field (EDOF). HTC has incorporated the HTC ImageChip that provides always in focus, whether your subjects are nearby, or those far away. You will always be ready to take those great shots, no matter what!